
Thermographic and Heat Loss Survey

Are you losing too much heat from your house?

Banish cold spots in your home

Energy prices continue to soar. So how can you know whether you’re wasting money through heat loss or poor insulation?

If your property energy costs seem high or your home is hard to heat, this could be down to poor thermal performance. And that’s exactly when a thermographic inspection may be the right survey for you.

Thermographic and heat loss surveys are less intensive (and cheaper) than the Home Health Survey so could be an ideal first step in resolving your property headaches.

What a Thermographic and Heat Loss Survey includes:

  • This service includes an internal and external thermographic (heat loss) inspection using specialist cameras..
  • This is then compiled into a detailed survey report showing problem areas that can be improved and outlines the options available to you. 
  • After the survey the Home Health Expert team provides guidance and support to make sure any quotes from contractors are adequate and that you have the information you need to take the next steps.

Your report and BEYOND!

The survey report this tends to be the starting point of the journey to improving your living conditions. Our Home Health Expert team will be there for you and your family, to be the professional in your corner to discuss and progress the issues raised within the report to a satisfactory resolution. 

This support can be expensive if instructing an independent expert, that’s why it’s included within the price paid for the survey, no hidden costs!

Case study

Not all of these areas of heat escape are obvious or identifiable from a non-invasive inspection, however can still cause issues with occupant health, heating the property and maintaining the building itself. Therefore, a thermographic inspection was carried out to identify areas that require thermal upgrades, helping to form a retrofit plan that is bespoke and suitable for this property. 

Thermographic heat loss survey results

All properties have thermal deficiencies,

understanding them is the key.

Want more information on our Thermographic and Heat Loss Surveys?

Fill out the simple contact form and we’ll be in touch to have a chat and discuss whether a Thermographic and Heat Loss Survey would be of benefit to you.

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