
Tenants, funding for sustainable improvements to your home...

As a tenant, you may feel like you do not have the option to consider sustainable improvements to your home. However, in the UK there are several grants and financial assistance programs available for residential tenants to improve their property. Here are some options:

1. Energy Company Obligation (ECO): The ECO scheme offers assistance for low-income and vulnerable households to improve their energy efficiency. It provides grants for insulation, boiler replacements, and other energy-saving measures. Eligibility criteria vary, and tenants can check with their energy supplier or local authorities for more information. - https://www.gov.uk/government/news/government-joins-with-households-to-help-millions-reduce-their-energy-bills 

2. Green Homes Grant Scheme: The Green Homes Grant Scheme was introduced in 2020 to provide financial support for homeowners and landlords, including tenants, to make energy-efficient improvements. The scheme offers vouchers that cover up to two-thirds of the cost of eligible energy-saving measures, such as insulation and low-carbon heating systems.

3. Warm Home Discount Scheme: This is a one-off discount from energy suppliers to eligible low-income households to help with their energy bills. Tenants who receive certain means-tested benefits might qualify for this scheme. The discount is applied directly to the energy bill. - https://www.gov.uk/the-warm-home-discount-scheme 

4. Local Authority Grants and Schemes: Local authorities often have their own grants and schemes to support energy efficiency improvements for tenants. These can include funding for insulation, heating upgrades, and renewable energy installations. Tenants can contact their local council or housing department for program details.

5. Winter Fuel Payment: The Winter Fuel Payment scheme provides a tax-free payment to help eligible older people with heating costs during the winter. While this is not specific to tenants, it can benefit eligible tenants who meet the age and other criteria. - https://www.gov.uk/winter-fuel-payment 

Researching and checking eligibility criteria for these grants and schemes is important, as they may vary depending on your location and individual circumstances.

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