
Jason Ratcliffe, the Home Health Expert

How do we work

As a PhD researcher and a Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors professional I have the privilege of visiting vast amounts of properties all over the country and have seen nearly all there is to see when it comes to health issues within a home. 

My passion has always been to help my family and my two children, both under 10, to be able to grow up in a safe environment. From my profession I have seen so many people that have been left in the dark or even worse, miss informed about the health of their homes and how to sort such issues. This made me have a realisation moment to create something that provides a safe and trustworthy platform to help those that need it. I focus on challenging the norm and ask the hard questions as to why change has not happened yet. 

Therefore, Home Health Expert was born! 

Check out the Heal Your Home Podcast. Available wherever you get your podcasts...

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