
Home Health Survey

Keeping you and your property healthy

Introducing the Home Health Survey

The Home Health Survey is a unique and bespoke inspection and report that provides detailed information on any issues affecting the health of the building or its inhabitants, and guidance on how best to remedy such issues with any budget.

A Home Health Survey consists of a visual non-invasive inspection to identify areas of health and safety concerns or defects that may cause issues with internal living conditions. 

The survey will help to identify a range of possible issues including:

  • any water ingress (when water from the outside makes its way into the building)
  • potential issues with electrical componence
  • potential blockages to heating systems
  • areas of heat escape or at risk of black spot mould, and also
  • internal air quality checks.

What to expect during the survey:

  • Inspection of internal living areas
  • Damp inspection 
  • Thermographic inspection 
  • Relative humidity checks (internally)
  • Internal air quality inspection
  • General defects to the building that may affect the internal environment (water ingress, thermal bridging etc)
  • Thermal efficiency/insulation and ventilation advice

Each property inspection will also consider the age, any Listings/heritage protections, and also individual budgets.

Your report and BEYOND!

The survey report this tends to be the starting point of the journey to improving your living conditions. Our Home Health Expert team will be there for you and your family, to be the professional in your corner to discuss and progress the issues raised within the report to a satisfactory resolution. 

This support can be expensive if instructing an independent expert, that’s why it’s included within the price paid for the survey, no hidden costs!

Case study

This property has a roof void conversion. But the sloping ceilings were never correctly insulated, nor were the dry-lined walls. This has left the homeowner paying much higher costs to heat the property to stop black spot mould.

This was able to be rectified with thermal insulation improvements where needed which has saved a huge amount of money and increased the comfort levels of the property.

Heat loss through poor roof insulation

Case study

A Grade II listed property was identified to have harmful air pollution within the living environment. Along with significant heat escape from the sloping ceilings and windows.

A bespoke improvement plan was created based on the Home Health Survey to improve this home so that it was safe for the young family living there, while also complying with the restrictions of the Listing.

Air pollution can be hard to identify

Want more information on the Home Health Survey?

Fill out the simple contact form and we’ll be in touch to have a chat and discuss whether a Home Health Survey would be of benefit to you.

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