
Home Health Surveys

Is your property harming your health?

Did you know?

The condition of your property can have a significant impact on your physical, mental, and financial health. A clean, safe, and comfortable property can help you prevent illness, manage chronic conditions, and improve your overall well-being. On the other hand, a property with poor indoor air quality, safety hazards, or high levels of clutter can increase your risk of developing a variety of physical and mental health problems.

How Your Home Can Affect Your Health

There are several ways in which a property can affect your physical and mental health. Some of the most common include:

Safety Hazards

Safety hazards like tripping hazards, falling hazards, and fire hazards can lead to injuries.

Indoor Air Quality

Indoor air can be up to five times more polluted than outdoor air through things like dust, mould, radon, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). These pollutants can irritate the respiratory system, trigger allergies and asthma attacks, and even lead to cancer.


A cluttered, dirty, or noisy home can be a major source of stress. Stress can lead to a variety of health problems, including high blood pressure, heart disease, and obesity.

Financial Strain

Heating a home that is not thermally efficient (poor ventilation, damp, etc.)  will cost you more each and every day.

All properties (modern, older, or Listed buildings) have thermal issues to some degree, and all have some air quality issues. This is not to say that all will be noticeable, and may depend on the occupier's tolerance to such conditions.

Making your house feel more like a home can be easier than you think, helping you overcome any accessibility barriers, limitations, or risks to health. By taking care of your home, you are taking care of yourself. A healthy home is a happy home!

The Home Health Expert Has Your Back

Jason Ratcliffe, the Home Health Expert, has a wealth of specialised knowledge when investigating and improving the home environment and enhancing the health benefits of a home for every member of the family.

Introducing our range of Home Health Surveys

Our range of surveys offer unique and bespoke inspections and reports that provide detailed information on any issues affecting the health of the building or its inhabitants, and guidance on how best to remedy such issues with any budget.

Who are Home Health Surveys for?

In short, our surveys can be useful for everyone. If you’re a rental tenant, it will give you information about the health of your living arrangements and give you clear advice on how you can approach your landlord to rectify any issues found.

For landlords, the Home Health Survey will give you a clearer picture of your property condition and any ongoing or one-off repairs that will improve your tenant’s experience and improve energy efficiency.

Finally, as a homeowner, you can benefit from a Home Health Survey to ensure your house is set up to allow you to prosper long-term and minimise your chances of any negative effects from your living conditions.

"Everyone should feel safe and thrive where they live. It shouldn't matter whether it's your dream home, rented accommodation, or council-provided housing.

The purpose of our Home Health Surveys is to give power and information to those who can benefit from having someone in their corner".

Jason Ratcliffe, The Home Health Expert

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